Friday, July 12, 2013

Hi! My name is Aiyana Sharai. I'm a almost-20 writer, adventurer, and aspire to inspire. 

This blog is sort of the brainchild of my experience with the online world. I've had a Tumblr, I am an active Facebook user, I'm guilty of Twitter overload, and my LinkedIn is a constantly growing network...but where on this vast web of photo atrocities and depressing status updates can I find my happy place?

This is, and will be, my little sunshine-filled corner of the internet.

As I'm writing this, my fingers are twitching..wanting to spill my deepest secrets, share the growling desires that hide behind the high walls of my psyche, but that is where I have fallen prey to the scary world online before. In time, I'm sure you'll learn about me...see what exactly it is that exists in my brain, but for now let's think of this as a budding relationship. Sound good to you?

Welcome to my world, where everything is infinite.

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